Bridget Plus

July 25, 2023

We flew home with Bridget last Wednesday with a connection in Dallas Love Field. The flights were uneventful but our shuttle was 45 minutes late due to a Florida Turnpike closure so we didn't get home until just after midnight. Thurday was a rest and food shopping day. Friday we borrowed Mike's four seat golf cart and drove to the southern end of The Villages to play 15 holes at the Putt'n'Play course. Only 15 because of the heat. We got use to the record heat in Arizona but I don't think we will ever get use the humidity in Florida. Saturday Bridget and I went to see Oppenheimer and on Sunday we drove down to Tarpon Springs to tour and eat Greek food. Bridget's visit was delightful and we really enjoyed her company. She did water coloring with Alesa and they went out for some entertainment at the town squares. Yesterday we drove her down to the Orlando airport for her flight home. We booked it non-stop to make it easier. We waited as she went through security and got to her gate. Her flight was delayed so we also stayed at the airport until she texted us that she was on the plane. Jeff and Danielle picked her up and called us as they were on their way to an Italian food dinner. I've had the sniffles for a couple of days and was feeling a little more stuffed up last night. I had a dentist appointment this morning so I decided I should take a home Covid test just in case. Well, I've got covid! I cancelled my appointment and called Jeff to let him know. I feel okay except for being tired from not sleeping well last night. Alesa tested negative today so we will keep our distance for the next few days and be bored at home while taking all the precautions.