Club naples to Craig and Janet's

March 31, 2011

We had a great stay at Club Naples.  The heat has been oppressive so we spent a little of every day in the pool.  On Wednesday we went shopping with Roni and Denny in Fort Meyers. We hit the outlets, the fleamasters flea market, BJ's, Bass Pro Shop and then dinner at Red Robin.  We had bottomless root beer floats, Yumm!  We then picked up Craig at the airport after his flight home from Indianapolis.  Janet flew home from Omaha on Saturday.  Tuesday we drove over to Picayune Strand State Park.  This was the area of the original Florida swamp land scam.  The state has bought most of it back and is filling in the drainage canals and returning the land back to natural habitat.  Wednesday we left Club Naples and came over to Craig's.  We set up the trailer in his side yard.  We had some problems in the soft sand but with some help from boards and bricks we are in and settled.