Gilbert Day 15 Sedona

December 1, 2021

Happy December. Jeff drove us up to Sedona today and it was an awesome day. The scenic views on the way up and on the way back were truly spectacular. They truly made your soul feel good. We hiked Bell Rock in the Village of Oak Creek, Jeff's favorite place. He wanted to scale the entire rock but we limited him to half way and hiked over to the base of Courthouse Rock. We drove into Sedona for lunch and a stop at 'Sedonuts' but they had closed at noon, Bummer! We had a nice lunch at Jose's Cafe then took our pictures at McDonalds and the only turquoise arches in the world. They are not gold because, in 1993, the town believed gold would clash with the red rocks. We have been through the area a couple of times in the past and stayed at the Pioneer RV park in north Phoenix. But, since I was always driving, this was the first time I could really take in all the views. Stopped at a PGA Superstore on the way home to buy golf gloves since we are golfing on Friday.

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Wed, 12/01/2021 - 15:36 - PioneerPioneer