
September 16, 2012

Yesterday we went downtown to volunteer for the annual GIVE program. (Gannon's Invitation to Volunteer Everywhere) We usually clean up the Schuylkill River Park but due to rebuilding it was pretty clean so we painted the gate and fence at the entrance to their pool. Alesa was real happy to get a chance to do some more painting (NOT). Last week Alesa painted the sport room and repainted the trim in the basement as I painted the basement floor in the sport room. A couple of days ago I broke up a four foot section of our sidewalk which had sunk a little, creating a 12 inch step, so I relaid it as a small ramp to create an 8 inch step. Today during halftime of the Eagles game, we went up to Marsh Creek park to see a Viking ship which they were sailing around the lake. We then came home and watched the Eagles beat the Ravens.