Planes, trains and automobiles

March 18, 2012

Yesterday we went flying again in Craig's plane and I got much of the stick time as we flew up the coast and then down to the everglades, it's like riding a bicycle, you never forget. After Craig greased the landing (that's a good thing) we fought the traffic on the way home because everyone was going to the St. Patrick's day parade downtown. Alesa got her hair trimmed professionally even though Craig and I offered to do it for her. Craig and I then built a table, designed a layout and set up the train. Not a bad setup. We all then settled in and watched 'Water for Elephants'. After breakfast at Cracker Barrel this morning we fine tuned the set up and wired all the switches. The grandkids are going to have a grand time when they visit. Craig and janet have already been having a good time with it "practicing" for the grandkids. We have reservations at Lake Waldena Resort in Silver Springs for tomorrow night so after picking up the trailer at Eileen's we will joining Paul and Carol there. They have moved out of their house and will be closing on Tuesday.